Doc Lounge Oulu

Bikes vs Cars

Fredrik Gertten, 90 min, Sweden, 2015

BIKES vs CARS - TRAILER II from WG Film on Vimeo.

Bikes vs Cars

Screening with discussion on the state of Biking in Oulu

The first film for the Fall season of Doc Lounge Oulu that will be screened is Bikes vs Cars

The newest film from director Fredrik Gert discusses the status of biking in the modern city. Global warming and traffic jams are a growing problem to which biking might be part of the solution. Grassroots activism is often met with opposition from the car, construction and oil industries. The movie also deals with the relationship between cars and bikes in such major cities as Copenhagen, Sao Paolo and Los Angeles. 

Before the movie, Oulun Polkupyöräilijät ry will organise a bike trip with the theme "Did you see, were you seen?" that leaves at 18:00 and will arrive at the venue at 18:30

The movie will be screened at 19:00 and after the movie there will be discussion on the status of Biking in Oulu, with Oulun Polkupyöräilijät and the head of planning of Ramboll, Reijo Vaarala, who will talk about city planning for Oulu and the future of improving bike lanes in Oulu.

Before the movie and after the discussion, deejays Tiskijukkapekka and J-Honey will play records for your listening pleasure.

Bikes vs Cars is shown at Doc Lounge as a part of Moving Docs.

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