Doc Lounge Aarhus

The War Show

Andreas DalsgaardObaidah Zytoon, 100 min, SyriaDenmark, 2016

The War Show TRAILER UK from Postyr Postproduktion on Vimeo.

Doc Lounge Aarhus and Damascene Days present: The War Show

Det Jysk-Syriske Kulturkollektiv is celebrating Syrian culture with Damascene Days and we are partnering with them in bringing Syrian stories to Aarhus.

This evening we gather at Øst for Paradis to tell the Syrian story of how dreams of revolution turn into the reality of civil war. From Arab spring till now, we touch the conflict in Syria with competent help from director Andreas Dalsgaard, Rabih Azad-Ahmad, Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen and Khaled Ksibe.

In March 2011, radio host Obaidah Zytoon and friends join the street protests against the oppressive regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. Knowing the Arab Spring will forever change their country; this group of artists and activists begin filming their lives and the events around them. But as the regime’s violent response spirals the country into a bloody civil war, their hopes for a better future are tested by violence, imprisonment and death. 

”Obaidah has shown immense courage by sharing this footage and telling her story. For someone who is not Syrian, it is impossible to truly fathom the horror that has befallen them and their country, or how Syrians still live with the war every day of their lives” - Andreas Dalsgaard

Andreas Dalsgaard & Obaidah Zytoon / DK / FIN / SYR / 2016 / 100 min.

Watch the trailer: 

19:00 Talks by 
- Dr. Jakob Skovgaard-Petersen, Chairman of Det Syriske Kulturinstitut i Danmark
- Rabih Azad-Ahmad, Rådmand for Magistratsafdelingen for Kultur og Borgerservice, 
- Khaled Ksibe, behind the project ‘Danskundervisning på Arabisk med Khaled’ that won the Europæiske Sprogpris 2016
19:30 The War Show 
21:15 Q&A with the Co-director Andreas Dalsgaard 
We will continue the discussion in the lounge at Øst for Paradis afterward.

When: 13th of October, 19.00-21.30
Where: Øst for Paradis, Paradisgade 7, 8000 Aarhus C
Price: 50 kr. Buy your ticket here:

We look forward to seeing you!

The event is in collaboration with Dinner & Docs

Language note: Some of the talks before the film will be in Danish. The film is in Arabic with English subtitles and finally the Q&A with the director Andreas Dalsgaard will be in English.

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