Doc Lounge Lund

Love Always, Carolyn

Maria RamströmMalin Korkeasalo, 70 min, Sweden, 2011

Love Always, Carolyn

Exklusiv förhandsvisning!

Förhandsvisnig av en fantastisk film om en av Beat- rörelsens viktigaste spelare inramat av Beat-inspirerad jazzmusik från Lund/Köpenhamn, en dj:ande litteraturvetare, en ljudinstallation och två underbara regissörer. Välkommen till Doc Lounge goes Beat!

GÄSTER: Regissörerna Malin och Maria kommer på besök för att berätta om filmen och svara på frågor.

DJ: I dj soffan denna kväll hittar vi litteraturvetaren Neal Ashley Conrad Thing  som spelar Beat- inspirerad musik och inleder filmen.

LIVE: ÅTERTÅGET tar er tillbaka till 60-talets gylldene avantgarde via allt (!) som har hänt sedan dess för att därefter okontrollerat skena in i framtiden!  Avantgardistisk jazz när den är som bäst.

MAT: Ät din middag på Doc Lounge. Vi serverar alltid en vegetarisk soppa med bröd  för 69 kr. I baren säljs det också vin, öl, kaffe mm.

They say behind every great man is a great woman. Carolyn Cassady was behind two. Wife of beatnik icon Neal Cassady and lover-muse of Jack Kerouac, Carolyn saw her life story and the memory of the men she loved hijacked by mythmakers. Love Always, Carolyn is the intimate, graceful portrait of a patient matriarch who could never escape the constant wake of her husband’s epic misadventures. [Watch trailer]

Love Always, Carolyn is a feature documentary by Malin Korkeasalo and Maria Ramström. The film had its world premiere at Tribeca Film Festival (New York) and Hot Docs Documentary Film Festival (Toronto, Canada) in May 2011. Producers are Margarete Jangård and Fredrik Gertten from the production company WG Film, known for previous productions such as BANANAS!* (2009), Big Boys Gone Bananas!* (2011)  and co-productions Burma VJ (2008).

The Beat Generation is a group of American post-WWII writers who came to prominence in the 1950s, as well as the cultural phenomena that they both documented and inspired.

Central elements of “Beat” culture included experimentation with drugs and alternative forms of sexuality, an interest in Eastern religion, a rejection of materialism, and the idealizing of exuberant, unexpurgated means of expression and being. Even still the Generation is in motion.

Allen Ginsberg’s Howl (1956), William S. Burroughs’s Naked Lunch (1959) and Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (1957) are among the best known examples of Beat literature.