Doc Lounge Göteborg

Marina Abramović - The Artist is Present

Matthew Akers, 104 min, USA, 2012

Marina Abramović - The Artist is Present

Efterlängtad film och fantastiska liveakter!

Som vi har kämpat för och längtat efter den här filmen. 8 maj bjuder er på en en efterlängtad och prisvinnande pärla! Som om inte detta vore nog så har vi även TVÅ grymma liveakter. Först kommer Hanna Smallbone Tizard värma upp oss med lite go livemusik. Efter det får vi en livs levande liveperformance av Pernilla Ljungkvist - Heartworn Hank – Country Music Saved My Soul. Det kommer bli så bra va!

LIVEMUSIK: Hannah Smallbone Tizard
LIVEPERFORMANCE: Pernilla Ljungkvist med Heartworn Hank – Country Music Saved My Soul

Seductive, fearless, and outrageous, Marina Abramović has been redefining what art is for nearly forty years.  Using her own body as a vehicle, pushing herself beyond her physical and mental limits––and at times risking her life in the process––she creates performances that challenge, shock, and move us. Through her and with her, boundaries are crossed, consciousness expanded, and art as we know it is reborn.  She is, quite simply, one of the most compelling artists of our time.

She is also a glamorous art-world icon, a lightning rod for controversy, and a myth of her own making. She is most certainly unlike anyone you have ever met before.

The feature-length documentary film MARINA ABRAMOVIĆ THE ARTIST IS PRESENT takes us inside Marina’s world, following her as she prepares for what may be the most important moment of her life: a major retrospective of her work, taking place at The Museum of Modern Art in New York. To be given a retrospective at one of the world’s premiere museums is, for any living artist, the most exhilarating sort of milestone. For Marina, it is far more: it is the chance to finally silence the question she has been hearing over and over again for four decades: “But why is this art?”