Doc Lounge Växjö

One Child Nation

Nanfu WangJialing Zhang, 85 min, ChinaUSA, 2019

Season Premiere: One Child Nation

"One Child Nation is a stunning, nuanced indictment of the mindset that prioritizes national agenda over human life"

Welcome to the 2020s first Doc Lounge Växjö! 

Nanfu Wang, Jialing Zhang / 2019 / USA

China’s One Child Policy, the extreme population control measure that mad it illegal for couples to have more than one child, may have ended in 2015, but the process of dealing with the trauma of its brutal enforcement in only just beginning. From award winning documentarian Nanfu Wang and Jialing Zhang, the sweeping One Child Nation explores the ripple effect of this social experiment.

Doors 18.00
Screening 19.00 

GUEST TALK: Ulf Nilsson - after the screening we will be hosting a Q&A with Ulf Nilsson who has travelled closer to a 100 times to China as a guide. With his long experience and insight in Chinease culture he will share some of his stories (the talk will be held in Swedish).

Food & drinks are served prior to the screening from our fantastic café! 
