Doc Lounge Stockholm

Vampires of poverty

Doc Lounge + Ambulante Stockholm

Doc Lounge och produktionsbolaget Story bjuder in den mexikanska filmestivalen Ambulante till ett fem dagars gästspel! Det kommer att bjudas på mexikanska dokumentärer runt om i Stockholm, mariachiband, digital cumbia, Skypeintervjuer med regissörer, fest och dans! Ambulante Stockholms slutfest med kultfilmen Vampires of Poverty (Agarrando Pueblo), klubben High Life, billig bar, och mycket mycket mer… som snart avslöjas!

LIVE: Trio Electromondo

DJ: High life

Agarrando pueblo (The Vampires of Poverty) is a parody directed against the vices of this type of “social” and “testimonial” cinema. In the film, two such filmmakers travel around impoverished sectors of the cities of Bogotá and Cali in search of the images of abjection needed to complete a documentary commissioned by German TV. With a use of black humor, and the concept of the film within the film, a silent B/W camera allows audiences to document the “vampire” filmmakers’ itinerary as they induce, capture, and recount color images of beggars, prostitutes, children who live on the streets, and a whole list of marginal urban characters they must include in their production. These filmmakers are thus equated to vampires who feed off the sweat, misery, and blood of subaltern, marginal subjects.

Mer info kommer…

I samarbete med Story, SFI, Mexikanska ambassaden, Sauza Tequila och Folkuniversitetet.