After Inez

Karin Ekberg, 76 min, Sweden.

Denize and Filip have it all prepared: the crib, the pram, the tiny clothes, even the car seat is ready for the baby they're expecting any day. But at a routine check up, the midwife's face suddenly freezes. There's no heart beat to be heard.

After Inez is the new film from the director behind A Separation, selected opening film of Tempo Documentary Festival 2014 and nominated to Prix Europa 2015. Again we are invited to follow a family during a sensitive time in their life.

After Inez is a film about how to survive grief. It explores individual differences in mourning, as well as gender patterns and taboos in our society. And finally, it leaves us with an unexpected smile.

WInner Tempo Documentary Award 2017
Motivation of the jury: A film that is hard to see, hard to do, but breaking a silence and
gives us a deeper understanding about the conditions of life. A film about lost, but most
of all about love /.../