Doc Lounge opens up in Växjö
On the 15th of December the city of Växjö is finally getting their own Doc Lounge. Premiere film will be "Under Great White Northern Lights", a fantastic music documentary about the legendary band White Stripes. Opening up the evening, two DJs are playing music in true White Stripes spirit (punk and brutalblues) and after the film the local legend Uffe Ekerot (behind "Uffes källare" - later record store) will invite the audience to a discussion. The Doc Lounge venue in Växjö is Kafé De Luxe, Växjös most comfy and retro place, the whole towns communal living room. So from now on, one Wednesday a month, the audience of Växjö will be able to enjoy great documentaries, music and other cultural happenings at Kafé Deluxe. But be on time if you want the most comfy couch! Doc Lounge Växjö is a collaboration between Reaktor Sydost, Folkets Bio och Kafé De Luxe.