Doc Lounge Östersund does special screening of Speed Sisters
In an attempt to spread Östersund’s cultural scene to people who currently might not be able to partake in it, Doc Lounge Östersund organized a very special screening of Speed Sisters yesterday. Working together with the volunteer organization Hej Främling, Doc Lounge Östersund invited refugees staying at Grytan, a military barrack outside of Östersund, to come to the event at Jazzköket in the centre of town. To help getting people from the forest to the city, Doc Lounge rented a bus - a bus that soon would be filled to the brink with people.
Not everyone attending could speak Swedish or English, but luckily large parts of Speed Sisters are in Arabic. After the film, people in the audience pointed out how incredible it was to see the whole of Palestine society, how fantastic it was to see a portrait of such strong women as the Speed Sisters. The evening was complemented by a Skype-call with director Amber Fares and a performance by Palestinian singer Endal Alassi. Jazzköket also gave out free popcorn, mulled wine and gingerbread cookies.
We’d like to thank everyone that helped create such a wonderful evening. Check out pictures and a video from the event below!