Film submission for Doc Lounge Impact Hub is now open!
Do you want to create change with your film? Apply with your project to be part of Doc Lounge Impact Hub!
Before the summer we released the news that Doc Lounge, in collaboration with Anna J Ljungmark, will start DOC LOUNGE IMPACT HUB: a new project and branch focusing on outreach, impact and innovative distribution of documentaries. Now we have opened our submission where filmmakers can apply with their films to be part of the project!
The first film to take part in Doc Lounge Impact Hub is Leslie Brinner/ Leslie on Fire, directed by Stefan Berg and produced by Masters of Reality. Its Swedish release and impact campaign to be carried out during Fall of 2018.
Now we start the hunt for the next two film projects to be part of Doc Lounge Impact Hub! Today we open the film submission and welcome Nordic productions and co-productions to apply for the possibility of Swedish distribution and an outreach- and impact campaign for their film during 2019. Submission is open until October 10.
Read more about submission and conditions
Read more about Doc Lounge Impact Hub
Read more about the distribution of Leslie Brinner
For cinemas who wish to book Leslie Brinner
Photo: Doc Lounge Sundsvall
Doc Lounge Impact Hub is funded by Swedish Postcode Foundation.