
Golden Bear winner TOUCH ME NOT - and international debate tour Polititics of the Body to Sweden.

Doc Lounge, in partnership with the Stockholm Academy of Dramatic Arts, hosts TOUCH ME NOT - POLITICS OF THE BODY, an international tour consisting of film screening and in depth conversations around body, desire and intimacy.

The cultural-education project is initiated at the invitations of universities and cultural institutions from Romania, France, Belgium, Sweden, Canada and US, initiated by the team of TOUCH ME NOT, the controversial Golden Bear winner at the last year's Berlinale.

Conceived as a series of interactive debates, the tour offers students and young audiences around the world the unique opportunity of an open dialogue with the film's inspiring protagonists, passionate artists and advocates for human rights coming from all across Europe. A transformative experience which invites to self-reflection, beyond social taboos: about intimacy, the relationship we have with our own body and how we relate to the Other, our capacity for empathy.

"Discussing with the audiences around the world, we realized how necessary and urgent this dialogue opened by the film is, both on a personal level, as well as on a social and educational one.", says the filmmaker Adina Pintilie.

In Sweden, the tour will take place at Doc Lounge clubs i Stockholm (Oct 26), Malmö (Oct 29) and Lund (Oct 31). The film will also be screened at Doc Lounge Helsiniki the 11th of November.

Read more:

Swedish press release here!

International pressrelease here!

You'll find more about the events here!