Moving Docs organize Pan European Live streamed event
Join Doc Lounge Århus and 16 other cities around Europe for a common livestreamed expericence, including an interview with Martin Armstrong and The Forecaster's director Marcus Vetter, tonight! According to controversial economist Martin Armstrong, there will be a new economic crash on October 1, 2015. Armstrong is the focus of the new thrilling documentary The Forecaster, which Doc Lounge is showing as a part of the Moving Docs Project. What better way to prepare for looming economic disaster than with a thrilling documentary and a joint doomsday party?
The livestream is presented by pan-European documentary screening project Moving Docs, of which Doc Lounge is a part, and is streamed to 17 cities all over Europe - you can see a list of the cities here. Moving Docs is a new EDN initiative supported by Creative Europes and Region Skåne.
About the film: Armstrong, once a US based trillion dollar financial advisor, developed a computer model based on the number pi and other cyclical theories to predict economic turning points with eerie accuracy. His forecasts were in great demand worldwide. As Armstrong's recognition grew, prominent New York bankers invited him to join "the club" to aid them in market manipulation. Martin repeatedly refused. In 1999 the FBI stormed his offices confiscating his computer model and accusing him of a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme. He was then sentenced to 12 years in prison.