New Doc Lounge Website!
Hello! Ta da! Hooray!
We are so very happy to introduce our new website. Find info about all our up coming films events and your nearest Doc Lounge club in one of our 16 Nordic locations. Here you can also find the story of how Doc Lounge began, how our network works, and all the other intriguing activities we get up to at Doc Lounge now.
The Film Archive is an exciting new 'under construction' area of the website. Soon, you will be able to browse all of the films Doc Lounge have screened since we started launching films in Sweden and the Nordic countries in 2006, a glittering (and ever growing) treasure trove of the best documentaries to be produced in that time.
We couldn’t have made our shiny new website without the support of the good people at the Postkodlotteriet Kulturstiftsen, and without the hard work and talent of the team at 040.
We hope you like our new digital home! If you have any feedback, or see something that catches your interest you'd like to talk about, you can find us here.
Katharine, Maja and Andrea
Doc Lounge HQ