
Simultaneous release of Jozi Gold - on cinema and online April 3!

The film industry is shaken by the covid-19 crisis, which includes our release of documentary Jozi Gold. Due to current developments we have decided to have some changes to adjust the launch to the current situation while also making the film available to as many as possible,

In solidarity with cinemas that are still up and running, Jozi Gold will have its Swedish cinema premiere on April 3 as planned. At the same time, the film will be released online for audiences all across Sweden. Cinemas who wishes to join the digital release will be able to offer their audience online screenings as well, by selling tickets to the VOD platform. Interested cinemas are welcome to get in touch with Doc Lounge.

On April 5 at 5 pm the audience is invited for a live online Q&A on Facebook, where main character Mariette Liefferink and directors Fredrik Gertten and Sylvia Vollenhoven will answer questions from the audience sent in through social media

Jozi Gold has its international premiere on CPH:DOX this week and Danish audience will also be able to see the film online.

Here you can watch Jozi Gold online from April 3. Pre-booking is already open!

You'll find all information about the film, screenings, booking at the distribution site 

Online Q&A on Facebook April 5 at 5 pm. Link to Q&A will be up on the film’s distribution site on the day. 

Read press release (in Swedish) 

If you have questions concerning the launch/screenings, please contact: Andrea Arvidsson, andrea@doclounge.se, +4670-4120127

The release of Jozi Gold is run by Doc Lounge and made possible in co-operation with:

WG Film
Svenska Filminstitutet 
Malmö Stad 
Film i Skåne 
Rörelsernas Museum 
TriArt Film 